Friday, February 2, 2007

The Deal Breaker

I don't know what happened this week but face lifts are everywhere. I know this has happened to you before where you are watching some movie or tv show and you think you recognize somebody but your not sure because they have aged, but yet they haven't. They're all pulled into some unrecognizable life form of smooth skin and weird shapes. This happened with the woman that plays Courtney Cox's mom on Dirt. It took nearly the entire show to figure out that she was on the Rockford files in the 70's. It's distracting, pulls your attention away from the real action. The real tragedy came from an episode of Charlie Rose that featured a bunch of interviews with Oscar nominees. Got all settled in and pushed play on the Tivo and the first interview was with Peter O'toole. Um wtf? He was so horrifying I actually cried out with an "oh my god". It was so bad that I fast forwarded through until Forest Whitaker was on, and do I even have to go there? I had to delete the entire episode and I am loving Charlie Rose at the moment. The week continued with the reliable women at the gym, just lurking around so that I can be frightened up close and then also have the added bonuses of thongs and juicy track suits on women that are probably in their 70's. No face lifts. Ever.

1 comment:

xtina said...

A Ha. Thus your reaction to the 'Venus' movie poster. It all makes sense now.... Should I mention your other fave, Steven Weber from Studio 60?