Friday, April 13, 2007


It's been a rough month and I haven't really had anything petty to complain about. Well that's never true but I didn't feel like sitting down and sharing. Apparently there are 2 of you out there that have requested something so last night on my walk home from Bart on College Ave. a few gentleman caught my eye.

I guess it's officially spring when there is a guy sitting on a bench brushing his teeth like it's no big deal. Perhaps he just finished dinner? While still contemplating that I had to wade through the crowd outside of Zachary's. Why do people waiting outside of a restaurant pretend they are in a lobby instead of a sidewalk and then refuse to clear a path? Dirty looks for everyone. That's when I noticed the crowd of "bikers". Really it was just old yuppie guys with motorcycles, one of which was plush, and I mean that literally. Every surface was covered with a short pile fabric. If you didn't want to get off the couch then why did you embarrass yourself with fur?

What joy will today hold?


xtina said...

Matthew McConaughey? Wild Hogs? These are some Hollywood influences we can do without.

Sonya said...

And here I thought Hollywood only pandered to Philip and other 14-year old boys.